Art, Music, and Words: The Multifaceted Brilliance of Harry Edgar Palacio

Harry Edgar Palacio is a straight single male U.S born celebrity: numerous award-winning musician, author and fine artist. He performed with Grammy winners and Grammy nominated artists including Ari Up; lead singer of The Slits ‘Godmothers of Punk’ former members of The Raincoats. He was offered a music contract with Atlantic Records and featured on MTV, Rapper Journal, Muzic Times, HipHop Since 1987, Vents etc.

Harry performed at Lucy’s Garage, Paramount Theater, NYC, Dominican Republic, Dutchess County Music Festival, September Fest, Pace University, Manhattanville University, Embark, Hudson Valley & Peekskill NY. Harry is ‘Oregon Kool-aid,’ ‘Harry Palacio,’ and ‘Harry Edgar Palacio, his songwriter/ recording artist/ producer projects are found on all platforms. Harry is a numerous award-winning author: anthology featured in Remezcla, finalist for Fjords Review Book Competition, semi-finalist for Quartz Literary Prize and Willow Run Book Award, grand prix at Hudson Valley MOCA Writing Off the Walls, Finishing Line Press chapbook competition, Finishing Line Press book competition & grand prix St. George School literary contest. He has two books published by Finishing Line press & one forthcoming by Atmosphere press. Harry has been accepted to be published in Mortal Magazine, Cesarus, Coffin Bell, Storm Cellar, Wingless Dreamer, Chronogram, Quail Bell, Rigorous, Absurdo Lírio, Punt Volat, Active Muse, BarBar, Tule Review, Landlocked Magazine, Taint Taint Taint magazine, Untenured, Inlandia & elsewhere.

He is an award-winning fine artist featured in Arts Westchester with artwork accepted to be published in Bellevue Literary Review, The Bitchin’ Kitsch, Suburban Witchcraft, International Voices, Blotter, Photoclosing & Personaland, who has shown fine art at several gallery exhibits in New York City, Westchester, & Hudson Valley; including School of Visual Arts, Open Studios Peekskill 2016, 2017, & 2021; Paul Robeson Gallery, H-Art Gallery, Crossover XO, Hermosa, Mount Kisco Arts Council & Energy Movement Center etc.

He was a music journalist & contributor at Tom Tom Magazine, More Sugar, & Popfadblog. He is nephew of former Consulate José Saldaña. He has read 4,688 books in his lifetime making him top #26 reader in the US & top #49 reader globally.




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