What is it like to bombard radio stations, record companies, and the media with your own novelty songs year after year, hoping that this time the stars will be in favorable positions and someone will show you the green light?
How does it feel when you design your look for each song, do your make-up, comb your hair, and bribe your family members to take promo pictures of you, only to find out that they are not “raw” enough or don’t contain enough pixels to be suitable for magazines?
What is it like to dig out the last coins from the bottom of the piggy bank and think about how to stretch them for some kind of marketing campaign after all the recording expenses?
The most important phase of the new song, as they say, only starts after the release!
How do I plan a music video script? Who is filming it? I’m not competent enough! Is the novelty song doomed if it doesn’t come with a music video this time?
How could I sell myself for a gig? And how do I price the product being sold, i.e., ME? At the gig, people wonder why I don’t have a band. Do I really perform as a troubadour? The venue says a four or five-piece band is far too expensive these days!
What if I get sick or some other force majeure strikes? Who will replace me, when there’s no chance to send a substitute?
What about when I’ve solved all these questions/problems and got my new song on the air? A message pops up in my email and I open it with trembling hands, hoping for a gig request, but instead, my eyes flash to masculine genitals in all their festive splendor! Or I receive a question in private messages on social media: “Do you wear transparent garters and high heels?”
Is this the result? Was it all worth it? Yet, year after year, the rumba always starts over. Some strange, black force attracts and tempts me to start all over again!
MATD feat. Johanna released their new single “Read My Lips” on September 27, 2024. Although its message is to give the finger to a cheating spouse, it is also, in a way, a statement against all the brutality of the music business and its circles! Life is too short to whine and wallow in self-pity. Even if it snows in the house again and you get the “Sorry, but our choice didn’t hit you this time” message—damn it, we’ll make this music because we love it regardless!
Read my lips—you can bite the dust!!
Max Duck Records Oy